Our sales trailer, serving both Crowne Point and Vista Ridge communities, is now open by appointment! Located in the beautiful Crowne Pointe Community, in Rocklin, you can schedule your appointment for Crowne Point, by calling Carriane Mucho at (916) 625-9300 or reach her by email at cmucho@timlewis.com. To schedule for Vista Ridge, our newest Roseville community in the heart of East Roseville, call Linda Sender at (916) 300-2297 or email her at

Sales Trailer at Crowne Point in Rocklin for Crowne Point and Vista Ridge by Tim Lewis Communities

We can’t wait to share both of these new communities with you! For more information about Crowne Point, visit their Facebook page. And to learn more about all that Vista Ridge has to offer, visit their Facebook page.

Social Links;
Instagram #TimLewisCommunities